
In third grade our teacher told us to write at least a three page essay about laziness. On the first page I wrote “THIS”, on the second “IS” and on the third “LAZINESS”. Thank god my teacher was smart enough to give me and A.
It was already in school when I realised I wanted to write stories that made both the students and the teacher laugh. Nothing has changed since those days.
Here are some facts, but I doubt they will make anyone laugh:
I was born in Jyväskylä on the 19th of May in 1964
My parents were teachers.
I graduated Jyväskylän Normaalikoulu high school in 1983.
I got my master’s degree in pedagogics (sounds a lot fancier than a primary school teacher but it means the same) from Jyväskylä university in 1988.
My first work place was Tupamäki primary school in Petäjävesi. I was the head teacher from 1988 till 1990.
After that I taught in Tyyppälä primary school in Jyväskylä parish and then in Aarnivalkea primary school in Tapiola, Espoo until 1995 I decided to withdraw into my chamber to write.
Today, I live in a red house next to a field in Kirkkonummi. During the day I work upstairs. As work mates I have two Lancashire Heeler shepherd dogs, Muru and Pate. The atmosphere in our work place is usually very calm but when the mailman drives up to our yard the mood might get rather wild.
I live with my wife Reija. Our both Children have already moved out.
The years have gone by. I have written over 90 books since I started. My books have been translated approximately into almost 40 different languages. I have received several awards for my work and my books have been adapted into plays and movies. Nevertheless, I feel like I have really succeeded when I come up with a great story and in the best case scenario it makes everyone laugh.