Ella ja kaveri kummituskartanossa
Pate ja mummon kirous
Ella ja kaverit maailman hauskin luokka
Kirja ilmestyy lokakuussa 2025
Ella ja kaverit menevät metsään -elokuva
Elokuvan ensi-ilta on 10.10.25
Ella ja kaverit menevät metsään
Leffakirja ilmestyy syyskuussa.
Helsingin Sanomat 22.2.2025
Ella yökoulussa
Ella ja kaverit osa 7 ilmestyy uusintapainoksena 1.4.2025
Pate ja mummon kirous
12. Pate-kirja ilmestyy 16.5.2025
Ella ja kaverit kummituskartanossa
Seuraava Ella ja kaverit -kirja ilmestyy 16.7.2025

Parvela knows how to write engagingly for young readers who read little or avoid books. There is nothing superfluous, and the plot never stalls for a moment.
Mari Viertola
Kepler62 is more than a book – an extraordinary science fiction series that captivates readers with all mediums of art.
Heilbronner Stimme
Timo Parvela’s Ella stories are among the funniest and most original that children’s literature has produced since Le Petit Nicolas.
Felicitas von Lovenberg

Timo Parvela, born in 1964 in Jyväskylä, is one of Finland’s most awarded and widely read authors, both nationally and internationally. A former teacher, Parvela has been a full-time writer since 1996. He has written over 100 books, as well as TV scripts, plays, and song lyrics. His works have been translated into 40 languages and have sold over 40 million copies worldwide, demonstrating the wide appreciation of his skill in storytelling.
The multi-awarded Parvela masterfully blends humor, drama, and fantasy to create multilayered stories that are both entertaining and deeply meaningful, resonating with readers of all ages. His internationally bestselling Ella & Friends series, praised in the German press as “one of the funniest and most original in children’s literature,” has won awards both at home and abroad. He won with illustrator Virpi Talvitie, the prestigious Finlandia Prize with The Seesaw, a wise and tender reflection on life’s ups and downs, while his more recent The Shadows Trilogy, an epic reimagining of the Nordic Santa myth, added to his many Arvid Lydecken Prize nominations.
Parvela’s international accolades include nominations for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, and a shortlisting for the distinguished Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2022. Parvela’s wider contribution to children’s literature has also been recognized with some of Finland’s highest cultural honours, including the Pro Finlandia Medal awarded by the President of Finland, and the Suomi Prize.