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Pete series

Pete, known from the popular Ella books, is now getting her very own book series. A compelling plot, witty humor, and skillful illustrations create an irresistible package! Pete is known to everyone as Ella's classmate, but her own series has quickly conquered children and adults here and elsewhere.


Pete books are fun and exciting adventures of primary school pupil Pete who has an uncanny ability to end up on the most exciting adventures. Pete and his friend Senja, and his dog Totti, always stand on the side of all that is fair and just in the world. Their adventures mostly take place in faraway places and often feature animals and ancient myths and natural treasures of our world, while proceeding to expose and foil the terrible plans of one very wicked pirate. In Pete books kindness, compassion and friendship always triumph!

Pate Aikakirjat

Pete’s Blog

Pete, a favorite character from the popular Ella books, gets his very own series! Pete is a little out of it sometimes, but that’s OK, everyone loves Pete. Now Pete’s teacher has given him a summertime assignment: keep a journal. At first things don’t go too smoothly, but the oddball uncle who stays for a visit changes things, and before long Pete is tapping away all the time.


The book features Pasi Pitkänen’s vivacious illustrations. Pete’s Blog is the start of a new series from Timo Parvela (b. 1964) and Pasi Pitkänen (b. 1984).

Pate jalkapallokirja

Pete’s Football Book

Has Pete taken his eye off the ball?


Pete’s the lovable but slightly scatterbrained boy from the super-popular Ella and Friendsbooks. Now he’s back in another book of his very own!


The Bears, Pete’s football team, are competing in a big tournament, but to his friends’ astonishment, Pete isn’t selected to be the striker! Even though he loves football more than anything else and he’s a brilliant player. But Pete doesn’t take it lying down. Instead, he decides to put together his own squad for the tournament. He wants to line up teammates like Messi, Ronaldo and Zlatan, but they’re awfully hard to get hold of.


Fortunately Pete’s got some new friends who might be able to play – that is, if they can get the tournament entry fee together. A three-legged dog, Pete’s 90-year-old neighbour Eino and the man who collects empty bottles in the park aren’t exactly anybody’s idea of a dream team. But could his enthusiastic teammates have some hidden talents?

Pate kalastuskirja

Pete’s Fishing Book

There’s nothing fishy about this fun adventure!


Pete, a familiar character from the Ella series, has plenty of fans around the world.


Pete is sporty, kind-hearted and a bit forgetful, but everybody likes him. In this book, he and his dad head off to Norway on a fishing trip, but not everything goes according to plan.


Pete’s Fishing Book is designed to be very easy to read. Pasi Pitkänen’s unique, comic-like illustrations are a perfect match for the story. The previous books in the series – Pete’s Blogand Pete’s Football Book – are much loved by girls and boys, parents and teachers alike.

Pate aarresaarella

Pete’s Treasure Hunt

Pete’s uncle has sent him a present.


It’s a black one. With MINEDET-TERRA- XP-150c-woof-GEO written on it. The letters glow in the dark. Or maybe it’s just Pete who is glowing, such is his delight! His uncle has sent him a real treasure! Well, almost. The box contains a metal detector that could help Pete find one!


A long-lost samurai sword is waiting to be found in Japan and Pete joins his uncle in the hunt for this ancient treasure. But why is Pete’s uncle so keen to find it? Soon it transpires that someone else is also after the sword but who could it be? An amazing adventure ensues!

Pate viidakon kuningas

Pete, King of the Jungle

What would you do if your best friend were in serious trouble?


You’d do your best to help, of course. But what if being “in trouble” actually meant being in the world’s oldest jungle? Would you go? To help your friend?


Well, Pete would and he will. Afterall, it’s his beloved dog Totti who’s stuck on a mysterious ship that’s headed towards the Borneo jungle. Luckily, Senja-the-Adventurer joins his rescue team. And she always keeps her cool – even in the toughest situations.


Like she did in the Mulu caves. When an orangutan sped up the rescue team’s search hunt and seven million bats watched from above with their beady eyes.


During their rescue operation, Pete and Senja work out who is destroying the jungle and they even manage to save the world. It’s all in a day’s work for Pete.

Pate Blacknessin hirviö

Pete and the Monster of Black Ness

Pete’s best holiday ever!


Pete’s family’s holiday to Scotland goes to pot when their rental car is stolen. They find themselves stuck in a small seaside village with nothing but a haunted castle and rumours of werewolves roaming the surrounding moors. And then there’s the fact that the sea front is apparently home to the famous Loch Ness’s monster’s twin brother, the Black Ness.


Pete thinks this is his best holiday yet!


It’s not long before Pete, Senja-the-Adventurer, and Totti-the Super-Paws become an unbeatable trio! Onwards! To the next adventure! bellows Senja.

Pate savannien sankarit

Pete and the Savannah Heroes

Pete lives life on the wild side!


The hugely popular Pete is on an adventure in the dangerous Savannah!


In the Pete series’ seventh installment, Pete builds a hot air balloon with his friend Senja. Their plan is to make the journey to school as fun as playing a game. But their first flight doesn’t exactly go to plan when Pete, Senja, and Pete’s wise dog Totti end up in Botswana instead of the school playground! In Botswana they encounter incredibly beautiful and diverse wildlife, as well as a horrid poacher who hunts down wild animals in the area. Pete is, once again, out to save the world!

Pate Alaskan aarre

Pete and the Alaskan Treasure

A glittering treasure hunt through the Alaskan wilderness!

Pete’s uncle jovially invites Pete and Senja (and Pete’s dog Totti, of course) to join him on his Alaskan holiday. After all, the children are seasoned travellers so it should be a fun trip for them all.


In the legendary Klondike, they hear about the world’s biggest gold nugget, apparently still buried somewhere in the wilderness along the river. Understandably this troupe is simply unable resist its pull. Once they realise someone else is also after the treasure, a race with unpredictable consequences begins and turns their holiday into a full-blown adventure!


The bestselling author Timo Parvela gives old myths a fresh spin in Pete books as he expertly guides Pete and his friends through the most thrilling, yet hilarious, adventures!

Pate vajonnut kaupunki

Pete and the Sunken City

There’s a surprise on the seabed!


The ninth Pete book dives into the underwater world, but in the clear waters there’s something very dark going on.


Pete’s uncle invites Pete and Senja (and Totti the dog) to visit him in sunny Australia.

“Can we swim in the sea?” I check.
“Of course. It’s completely safe. You just have to watch out for sea currents, sea snakes, sting rays, and sea urchins,” Uncle explains with a smile.
“At least there’s no need to be afraid of sharks,” I say.
“I forgot that,” Uncle replies.


The holiday gets even scarier when it transpires that someone out there is destroying an amazing coral reef. There’s no way Pete, Totti and Senja can prepare for the surprise that awaits beneath the surface.

Pate tähtien sotku

Pete and the Space Games

It could only ever happen to Pete! In a cosmic twist of fate, Pete, Senja and Totti-the-Dog find themselves further from home than ever; in space! 


It could only ever happen to Pete! When the world is held ransom, its fate falls into the nervous, excited and somewhat dirty paws and hands of Pete, Senja, and Totti-the-Dog.


Our favourite trio of the most unlikely heroes of all has so far managed to foil many threats to nature and animals (both real and previously- thought-mythical), in many corners of the world. But space?! It’s  the furthest they’ve ever ventured, but Senja does love an adventure so why not?!


But forget intergalactic weapons as the secret weapon of choice on this mission might just be the good old children’s games… And somewhat unexpectedly the “Tag! You’re it!” -shouts reverberating through cosmos give rise not only giggles, but also to hope!​

Pate megamoka

Pete and Megasound

The 11th Pete book sees Pete on stage in Stockholm, Sweden!


Pete is tired, dog-tired. And so is Totti, his dog. A mysterious nighttime drumming is causing them to lose sleep. Senja helps them find the source of the disturbing soundwaves and rejoices when the sound leads them to a secret rehersal studio where Megasound, the most awesome band in the universe is practising.


But when Megasound’s racket seems to drive away the earthworms, even Senja agrees that the band must be silenced. Pete’s uncle appears and devises an ingenious and courageous plan that requires them to form Pabba, their very own band. After many unexpected events, robberies, and reunions, Pabba steps on stage for its first gig…

Pate mummin kirous

Pate ja mummon kirous

Seikkailu pyramidien äärellä!


Kahdennessatoista Pate-kirjassa ratkotaan mysteeriä Egyptissä.

Kun Pate, Totti ja Senja avaavat vanhan matka-arkun ja löytävät sieltä salaperäisen patsaan, he saavat ylleen mummon kirouksen. Sen kumoamiseksi seikkailijoiden on palautettava patsas omistajalleen ja matkustettava aina Egyptiin saakka.

Perillä he kohtaavat pelottavan hallitsija Hahabatran, jonka kavalat suunnitelmat uhkaavat paitsi Paten, Senjan ja Totin, myös koko maanosan tulevaisuutta. Tarvitaan paljon toimintaa, huumoria, seikkailua ja sähellystä ennen kuin maailma taas pelastuu ja kirous on vihdoin poissa.

Parvela knows how to write engagingly for young readers who read little or avoid books. There is nothing superfluous, and the plot never stalls for a moment.

Jutta Heeß
Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany 

Very, very funny. Timo Parvela has found an enigmatic yet child-friendly voice in which he lets Pete tell his own story. ...even for children who don’t like to read.

Agnes Sonntag
Spiegel Online,

In The Press
© 2025 Timo Parvela. Timon kuvat: Jari Kivelä / Tammi ja Sabrina Bqain. Design: Outi Moisio
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