Mission Nearly Impossible
Packed with Roald Dahl-esque humour, Parvela’s compelling mystery series asks readers to consider the world’s most interesting question: who am I really? 12-year-old Elias knows nothing of his real family until a photo and a text message, on a stranger’s phone, raises his hopes of finding out his true identity.

Mission Nearly Impossible 1. The Marked Child
An exciting mystery about a boy who is sent on a mission to unearth who he is.
Scrolling through the phone he’s just found at a landfill, 12-year-old Elias comes across a photo of a couple with a baby. The tiniest pixel detail captures all his attention; the baby has a little black mark on its ankle —identical to the tattoo Elias has on his. Convinced that he is the baby in the picture, Elias is hopeful of finally learning more about his past. Life with Aunt Paula has more downs than ups and her story about having found him as a baby at the landfill outside her house has always sounded strange. What kind of parents would throw their baby out with the rubbish? Cruel ones? Stupid? Absent-minded? Or desperate? Also, what kind of parents would tattoo their baby? Maybe he’s finally able to get some answers! A sudden ping makes Elias jump: a text message! It asks the recipient to find someone. “Find Albert Steel.”

Mission Nearly Impossible 2: Into Thin Air
The exciting mystery continues!
Elias’s past is still shrouded in a thick veil of mystery when a new text message sends him on a new mission. This time he is asked to find out who was responsible for blowing up the Albert Institute. Soon enough Elias, his best mate Milo and their new friend Molly are sucked into a whirlwind adventure and impossible situations. After an unexpected resolution, Elias is one step closer to the answer to his most crucial question: who am I, really?
Timo Parvela’s thrilling series, seasoned with Roald Dahl-esque humor, takes readers deeper into the depths of the mystery. The chilling environments of the suspenseful story, including dumps and boarding schools, are illustrated by Mari Luoma.

Mission Nearly Impossible 3: Master of the Web
The mystery of Elias’s past is about to be revealed in the third part of Parvela’s dark and thrilling series, but what are the implications of the truth to Elias’s present and future?
“Mission Three: Stop von Maxx.”
Just as Elias is about to learn everything he has ever wanted to know about his family, the dangerous von Maxx kidnaps him to his sinister mansion. The depth of von Maxx’s wickedness begins to dawn on Elias, and he realizes he is in greater danger than he could have ever imagined. However, help arrives but from the most unexpected source…

Mission Nearly Impossible 4: Castor’s Heart
Elias and his crew embark on their fourth thrilling and action-packed yet humour-filled mission and adventure!
With revelations about his past now in the open, Elias cannot help feeling like he’s on top of the world, with superhuman powers! However, this euphoria quickly fades when Molly comes across a chilling discovery in an abandoned part of town, thrusting Elias, Molly and Mino into the middle of a dangerous feud between street gangs.
Their new mission—to unravel the mystery of a missing policeman’s son—multiplies the dangers they face, yet Elias’s new family member just might tilt the scales in their favour…
The fourth installment of Timo Parvela’s excruciatingly thrilling series, spiced with Roald Dahl-esque humor, is an standalone adventure and puzzle.

Mission Nearly Impossible 5: The Hunt
The fifth book in the popular “Almost Impossible Mission” mystery series takes the reader on a wild online hunt for Castor who suddenly disappears.
Conversations with Castor, who resides deep within the web, have become more important to Elias than anything else—until Castor stops responding. When Elias attempts to re-establish the connection, he can only hear the distant barking of bloodhounds. The frantic search for Castor leads Elias, Mino, and Molly on the door of a real-life tech wizard and a suspicious dog shelter. Yet the final hunt for Castor’s whereabouts takes place – online, of course!

Melkein mahdoton tehtävä –
Kyborgin halaus
Jännitys huipentuu mysteerisarjan päätösosassa
Elias kohtaa vielä kerran päävihollisensa von Maxxin, jolla on hänelle varattuna yllätys – mutta kuka lopulta yllättyy eniten? Melkein mahdoton tehtävä on mysteerisarja, joka nappaa lukijan hyytävään halaukseensa eikä päästä irti ennen kuin ollaan perillä.
Eliaksen elämä on muuttunut epäilyttävän hiljaiseksi: Elias uskoo jotain olevan tekeillä ja alkaa nähdä varjostajia joka puolella. Kun sama pakettiauto seuraa Eliasta turhan usein, hän päättää ottaa kohtalon omiin käsiinsä – järkyttävin seurauksin.