Timo Parvela's Ella and Friends series has delighted readers around the world for 30 years! Ella and her class have also had adventures in films, plays and even accompanied by a symphony orchestra. Films, plays and songs have been made based on the books. The new edition of Klassikko-Ella features hilarious illustrations by Mervi Lindman, and now the third grade is picking up the pace with Anni Nykänen's hilarious and cartoon-like illustrations.

Ella & the Blackmailer
Ella is in first grade at school.
She has lovely friends at class and a nice teacher. But recently Teacher has been acting very strangely. He has been receiving secret letters, forgetting to give homework and the children even witness him jumping in swimming pool with his clothes on.
Hanna figures it all out: Teacher is clearly behaving like someone who is being blackmailed. The classmates grow concerned: they must help Teacher! And who could be doing such a terrible thing? Ella and her friends decide to find out — with some surprising results!
In the end all is resolved: Teacher is in fact in love with another teacher at the school. The letters are love letters, and he’s behaving like a fool in love. The loved-up couple decide to get married and at the end of the book the children wave them off on their honeymoon.

Ella in the Theatre
The substitute teacher would like nothing better than for Ella and her class to enjoy school.
Her attempts are quite something: first a puppet show and then a strange rubber mask. Unfortunately the children are not amused, they’re scared… But all is not lost since the class does end up laughing — at the bump the substitute teacher gets on her head!
The good news is that their own teacher is asked to return early from his honeymoon. He takes the happy class to the theatre. Surprises are in store for the children since they did not expect to see their teacher and Pete on stage with the real actors. Back at school the class prepare for their own Christmas play.

Ella on a School Trip
My name is Ella.
"My class went on a field trip. Everyone had a great time. Teacher was slightly annoyed at first when he realised that he had left his bag, and his wallet, behind. Luckily Teacher and his wife found some money in the bolognaise sauce during lunch. Although the money actually
belonged to Pete. He had accidentally dropped the coins in the sauce."
“In the museum we met a Mummy and her husband called Pharaoh. He was really helpful and knew many things. Just like the zookeeper who first wanted to give Teacher a fine but decided against it when he saw Pete’s underpants with rockets on them. School trips are great. That’s why we were all a bit disappointed when Teacher said there wouldn’t be another one. Ever.”

Ella & the Holiday Camp
Ella meets her teacher at a summer camp.
Apparently, he’s taking a holiday from home because his new baby cries every night. Another teacher at the camp is known to the children only through her terrible reputation at school. She is a scary teacher who screeches when she teaches…. and horrible things are known to happen to children under her care. Ella and her friends decide to expose the horridness of the “Screecher” to the grown-ups and they get some help from a guard goat and Pete.

Ella & Pete
Ella starts her second year at school.
The class are excited to be back at school, although the summer holidays have been fun too. Pete is terribly disappointed when he realises that university doesn’t start straight after First Grade. Furthermore, Pete goes on strike when Teacher reveals that the children do not get paid for going to school — even if it is the second grade!
The school district organises a competition during the autumn term and Ella and Pete are chosen to take part. For some reason Teacher doesn’t think Pete should be going. But soon the whole school gets into the “Olympic”-feeling. Pete is keen to win the “million-euros” first price and Ella is just happy to be spending time with him. She has come to realise that Pete is really, really lovely.

Ella & the New Boy in Class
Ella’s second year at school is going well.
But then a new boy called Bruiser starts in their class. Ella and her friends soon realise that he is at least 12 times more trouble than Pete could ever be — and that is quite something. But then Thomas overhears Teacher saying that the Bruiser is “not from this planet”. The whole class begins to wonder if he is a humanoid, an alien!
Then the class hears that Teacher is to meet Bruiser’s alien parents after school. To ensure they’re at hand to protect their beloved Teacher from these aliens, the class hides in the classroom. After all, no-one really knows what a whole family of humanoids could do to the man!

Ella at Night-School
It’s Ella’s second year at school.
She has lovely classmates and a nice teacher. Well, he used to be nice, now he is super-nice! He has promised the class a night at school: Night-School! Nothing could possibly be more exciting! Although, at first the teacher said that such a thing would only happen if some place far away would freeze over. But the children are determined to make it happen. They get started by collecting money to fund their great adventure.
When the night of the Night-School eventually comes about, the teacher has only one rule: Nothing, absolutely nothing, is allowed.

Ella in Lapland
Ella’s class had entered into the School Picture of the Year-competition and they’ve won!
The prize is a class trip abroad. Everyone is very excited. Teacher will see his dream come true: sun setting over the desert. As they set off things go awry: No desert, no warmth, and no luggage. The competition winners land in Lapland! A bearded old man meets the class at the airport and the children are certain that he is Father Christmas himself. But Teacher keeps calling him “Dad”! Is Teacher Santa’s son? Possibly an elf?
The children are roped in to work by Santa and think that they are helping Father Christmas whereas in reality Teacher’s parents are getting ready to open up a holiday village in Lapland. At the end of the book the children are still none-the-wiser and Teacher and his wife return home with two puppies, Ko and Yote.

Ella & the Superstar
Ella has lovely friends and classmates at school and a great teacher.
Everything would be fine but for the possibility of her classmate Pete having to repeat first grade instead of moving into grade two like everyone else in the class. And another thing that is causing concern for the children is that Teacher might be evicted from his home.
The problem with Pete is that he doesn’t know his multiplication tables. But he doesn’t see any point in learning them either. What would he, a future rock star, do with them? Surely his manager would always take care of the figures and accounts.
Thankfully Thomas hatches a great plan. The children just have to get Teacher a boat! Teacher can live on the boat with his dogs and sail the world. And obviously he won’t be able to make Pete repeat the year at school while he is away sailing. Pete could even give his debut performance as a rock star at Teacher’s farewell party! Pete will instantly become famous, get a manager, and won’t need to learn his multiplication tables. The whole class thinks Thomas is a genius.

Ella at Sea
Ella’s teacher takes the class on a sea trip.
The children do some extraordinary bird-spotting, practise life-saving techniques and get scared of the harbour-monster. But what happens when the children learn that their beloved teacher is thinking of a career change?

Ella – Watch out for the Children!
Ten minutes into the term and the children are already worried – about their teacher’s health.
They decide to find a cure for his ailments. All they need now is a quarantine, a school inspector, more school inspectors, an art exhibition and the light relief at the end of the evening news – and all is well again! Or is it?

Ella and Friends Extra
Ella and the guys want to know everything about you. They ask questions and you have to answer for the consequences.
Mom gets tongue-tied. What superpowers would you like? Who would you like to be? Who is wonderful? Who is not wonderful? Can I pop you into nonpareil? Have you always wanted to know which of the characters in the Ella books you are? That's okay. Me neither, but with this extra fun book you can test your friends. With it you can test a lot of other things. Even your teacher's nerves.
The book contains questions and answers, tests, a birthday calendar, and much more material that strengthens friendships.

Ella Hits the Jackpot
My name is Ella. I’m still in the second grade. We have a nice class and a nice teacher. Or we used to. You see, our teacher disappeared and we won the lottery jackpot.
“What if the teacher’s wife kidnapped him?” I asked.
“That’s not possible. They’re married,” Hanna said doubtfully.
“My Dad says that Mom kidnapped him and forced him to go to the altar,” said Petey. ”And Mom says she wouldn’t have if she had known that no one would pay the ransom,” he continued.
Ella Hits the Jackpot is the ninth Ella book. This time the friends find a lottery ticket, lose it, look for an alibi, follow clues, empty the arts and crafts closet, and fill it again.

Ella & Friends Have a Party
A 15th anniversary edition of the Ella books, containing three short stories: Saving Pupil Pete, The Treasure Hunt, and The Circus.
The Ella books are 15-years-old. However the book’s characters aren’t teenagers: they’re still their second grade selves.
This party book contains three Ella stories, including two which have previously been published in Tammi’s Golden Book and one new story that was written especially for this anniversary edition.
“It’s our teacher’s birthday,” remembered Tiina, “and we haven’t got him a present, how terrible!”
“Let’s give him Pete,” suggested Tuukka.
Tuukka is a genius. The teacher is sure to be delighted to receive his very own student who he can tutor in the evenings!

Ella & the Night Knight
In this book, Ella and her friends found an ice hockey team, get a sponsor, bid for players, and re-forge their teacher’s legendary ice hockey stick: the Whip.

Ella & the Great Deeds of Sampo
Like the ancient hero Hercules, Sammy has to complete twelve difficult tasks to get back into his Mum’s favour and get permission to participate in the Batman meeting.
Sam is desperate to attend the super-secret meeting of Batmen but has a major problem: his mom won’t let him attend the meeting she knew nothing about, and Sam couldn’t tell her about the meeting as it was a secret meeting and the meeting would no longer be a secret if Sam asked her for permission which she might not give. A big problem.
Thankfully Thomas has a plan. Of course everyone knew he would come up with one since he is a genius. Thomas’ plan is for Sam to show he is worthy of his mom’s trust, just like Hercules, who had to overcome 12 obstacles to become the favourite of the gods. Thomas reads out the 12 deeds for Sam to complete. The original deeds are difficult to replicate as they require slaying lions, monsters etc. but the children do their best to find good alternatives!

Ella & the Great Deeds of Sampo
Like the ancient hero Hercules, Sammy has to complete twelve difficult tasks to get back into his Mum’s favour and get permission to participate in the Batman meeting.
Sam is desperate to attend the super-secret meeting of Batmen but has a major problem: his mom won’t let him attend the meeting she knew nothing about, and Sam couldn’t tell her about the meeting as it was a secret meeting and the meeting would no longer be a secret if Sam asked her for permission which she might not give. A big problem.
Thankfully Thomas has a plan. Of course everyone knew he would come up with one since he is a genius. Thomas’ plan is for Sam to show he is worthy of his mom’s trust, just like Hercules, who had to overcome 12 obstacles to become the favourite of the gods. Thomas reads out the 12 deeds for Sam to complete. The original deeds are difficult to replicate as they require slaying lions, monsters etc. but the children do their best to find good alternatives!

Ella & Friends in the Woods
Ella and her friends are on summer holiday.
They go into the woods, because that’s where their teacher has decided to set up a summer camp. Ella & Friends in the Woods is a summertime nature trek with screwball situations and fun times galore.

Ella & Friends 1
Minä olen Ella. Minulla on mukava luokka ja mukava opettaja. Tai oli, sillä viime aikoina opettaja on ollut vähän kiristynyt.
Se johtuu luultavasti siitä, että hän oli ensin häämatkalla, sitten teatterissa ja lopuksi vielä luokkaretkellä. Matkailu ei selvästikään sovi opettajalle. Meistä kaikista se on tosi kummallista, sillä minulla, Patella, Tuukalla, Sampalla, Hannalla ja Tiinalla oli tosi mukavaa.
Ella-kirjat syntyivät Tammen Kirjava kukko -sarjaan 1995. Jo ensimmäisen, Ella ja kiristäjä -kirjan, myötä kävi selväksi, että Ellojen huumori ja vauhti purivat paljon ajateltua laajempaan lukijakuntaan. Elloja luettiin ala-asteella, niistä tehtiin kirjaesitelmiä yläasteella ja opettajat hihittivät niille salaa karttavarastossa. Nykyisin Ella kavereineen seikkaileekin jo aapisessa, Kirjava kukko -sarjassa sekä itsenäisinä lastenromaaneina. Ella ja kaverit 1 paketoi kolme ensimmäistä Ella-kirjaa tuhdiksi lukuelämykseksi, joka on mukava tapa aloittaa Elloihin tutustuminen ja mainio lahjakirja kaikenikäisille huumorin ystäville.

Ella & Friends 2
Ella ja kaverit 2 on tukeva paketti silkkaa riemua.
Se sisältää kirjat Ella ja lopettaja, Ella ja Pate, Ella ja Pukari sekä Ella yökoulussa, jotka ovat aiemmin ilmestyneet Kirjava Kukko -sarjassa.
Uudessa yhteisniteessä luokkakaverukset seikkailevat ensin kesäleirillä. Sinne saapuu myös heidän opettajansa – joka tosin luulee lähteneensä hermolomalle. Tokan luokan alkaessa syksyllä Pate pettyy, kun ensimmäisen luokan jälkeen ei alakaan yliopisto. Ja lakkoon hän ryhtyy, kun kuulee, ettei koulussa vielä toisellakaan luokalla makseta palkkaa. Entäs kun luokalle saapuu Pukari: Tuukka kuulee opettajan sanovan rehtorille, että Pukari ei ole tältä planeetalta. Eli poika on siis varmasti humanoidi! Onneksi luokka lopulta pääsee yökouluun, jonka opettaja järjestää vannottuaan, että sellaista ei järjestetä ennen maailmanloppua. Mutta onneksi yökoulussa on vain yksi sääntö: kaikki on kiellettyä.

Ella & Friends Skip School
Ella her friends finally make it out of the second grade! But to their surprise, their new class isn’t third grade, it’s only two-and-a-half.
“I like school and our teacher, but I wish we had more homework,” said Tiina.
“They don’t teach enogh nuclear physics at school these days,” Tuukka complained.
“Children should be able to decide for themselves what they want to do,” said Quarreler.
“Breaks should last longer and there should more of them,” said Pate.
And so we decided to run away from school and find a new one, where we’d all have fun all the time…
During their flight, the friends meet a mystical and slighlty frightening magician, Papadam, whose schemes threaten both the teacher’s family as well as the future of the entire town.

Ella & Friends Babysit
Would you pay Ella and her schoolmates to babysit?
In the sixteenth title in this smash-hit series, Ella and her friends learn that their teacher and his wife are going on a romantic spa break. All the arrangements have been taken care of, including a babysitter and dogsitter. But as chance would have it, Ella and her friends end up on babysitting duty, while their teacher thinks everything’s in the hands of trained professionals.
Ella and her friends try their best, but it turns out to be a tougher job than they expected. Finally the friends decide to go in search of their teacher and his wife to return their children and dogs to them…
Ella & Friends Babysit is the second book in the series to feature illustrations by Mervi Lindman. The book is just the right size, with an easy-to-read story and fun illustrations to appeal to readers at all levels, including beginners. Like the previous books in the Ella series, this latest volume also works as a stand-alone title.

Ella & Friends in a Pickle
Ella &Friends in a Pickle takes readers on a fast-paced adventure bursting with quirky wisdom, offbeat humour and zany situations.
What happens when Ella and her friends drink a milkshake that transforms them into supergeniuses? Their teacher thinks it’s all thanks to his own superior teaching skills and decides to milk the situation for all the happiness, reputation-building and recognition he can. As a result, the teacher and the kids all end up in a real pickle.
Ella & Friends in His Majesty’s Secret Service
Move over, James Bond – here come Ella and her friends!
The teacher’s dream has finally come true. He’s been promoted to principal of the school.
“You can still call me Teacher. Of course, everyone else will call me Principal or Your Majesty.” If the teacher was now a principal, we’d be his agents. If the teacher was His Majesty, we’d be operating on His Majesty’s secret service. The future of our teacher and the whole school would be in our hands!”
In their latest adventure, Ella and her friends encounter a frightening digital doodad-thingy. They use secret agent tools and disguises, and finally make the leap into the digital world!

Ella & Friends Build a Magic Machine
Can Ella and her friends solve the school’s budget deficit problem?
The school has run out of money. The principal doesn’t even have enough money to buy Christmas decorations.
Luckily Ella and her friends find a construction mannual for a magic machine in the school library.
Instructions: Do you want to build a magic machine? The friends decide to save the school. Using the instructions, they’ll be able to make a machine that can endlessly generate money. Or rather, it would… if everything would go to plan, but that’s rarely the case when it comes to Ella and her friends.

Ella & Friends — Horseplay
Will Tuukka get her own rider’s statue?
Ella’s teacher has had a demotion. He’s no longer the principal; instead he’s just a teacher.
“Great, now our teacher will always be in the classroom and not just behind the desk in his office,” said Tiina.
“We can hug our teacher whenever we want,” I joined in.
“I can wipe the teacher’s chalkboard whenever I like” mumbled Pukari.
“The teacher can tie up my shoelaces and do up my coat whenever I want,” said a delighted Samppa.
A new principle, who looks remarkably like Sana Claus, is introduced to the children. The class are all delighted, except for Pete who is worried about his Christmas presents. And then there’s Tuukka, who seems to be hiding in the rubbish bin. What’s really going on with Tuukka, and could horses have something to do with it?

Ella & Friends on their Way to Scout Jamboree
Camp life appeals to Ella and her friends.
Ella’s teacher has made a New Year’s resolution. He has promised to remain cool as a cucumber. Unbeknownst to him, his patience will be tested early in the year when Ella and her friends start acting strangely. All of a sudden they’re building bridges and making campfires. And it’s all because Hanna wants to go to camp, specically to Scout Jamboree. So along with her friends, she decides to make her dream a reality.
“But what shall we call it?” Hanna wondered.
“Cub scouts,” suggested Tiina.
“That’s already been taken,” Hanna replied.
“Chicken bunnies,” suggested Samppa.
“Chickens have chicks,” said Tuukka .
“Reindeer babies?” mumbled Pukari.
“Reindeers have calves,” Tuulla corrected him.
“Perch calves,” I suggested.
“Perch have roe,” Tuukka said.
“Frog roe,” said Pete.
“Frogs have spawn,” Tuukka sighed.
“Teacher spawn!” said Hanna. And everyone agreed it was a good name.

Ella & Friends in Concert
Ella’s class go on a school trip to a concert!
I am Ella. I in class 2 and a half A. It’s a really nice class and we have an even nicer teacher. The teacher is awfully kind because he’s taking us to a concert where a symphony orchestra will be playing.
“Who knows what a symphony is?” asked our teacher.
“It’s pizza,” Pete replied.
“You’re thinking of the opera, which is also a pizza, as we all know,” the teacher corrected him.
“My dad once had such a bad symphony that he had to stay home all day,” Tiina said.
“The flu, your dad must have had the flu,” the teacher corrected.
“It wasn’t. Dad plays the horn and he had to practice all day at home because the song was so difficult,” Tiina explained.

Ella & Friends as Master Chefs
Delicious reading for all ages!
“A good meal usually includes a starter, a main and a pudding. The starter is made from lots of ingredients and it’s eaten first. The main is usually munched on afterwards. Puddings stain if you drop them on your shirt.”
Ella and her friends chat about their favourite foods. There are lots of fish finger fans, and lots of mac and cheese fans, too. The casual conversation soon takes a turn when one person defends their favourite food a little too ardently. Thankfully there’s still joy in the world. And luckily enough, Ella is there to make sure everyone can have a laugh together.

Ella & Friends as Kings
A DNA test reveals that there’s a royal descendent in the class, but who will get to claim the crown?
The class are studying ancestry at school. When their DNA test results reveal the presence of a royal, the teacher gets very excited… it may even be him! But Bruiser gets upset and destroys the paperwork, leaving the teacher and his pupils guessing who it may be!
Ella tries to get to the bottom of Bruiser’s mood and realises that he’s worried about getting a new family member. This new, soft side of Bruiser is a revelation! And once the blue-blooded member of the class is correctly identified, there’s nothing left to worry about – a true triumph!

Ella & Friends Save the Earth
Can Ella’s class save the earth?
“My name is Ella. I’m almost in third grade. Our class is 2 and a half A. It’s probably the only half class in the world, but luckily our teacher is a whole person. Our teacher is really nice, but recently he’s been a bit worried. The thing he’s worried about is the earth.”
Author Timo Parvela has hit the nail on the head again: Ella & Friends Save the Earth is an almost emission-free, eco book about Ella. It is made up of three stories about protecting nature, with a twist.
Ella’s class are on a school trip with their teacher, when a swan song impresses everyone.

Ella & Friends Ahoy There!
Cruises are a once in a lifetime experience — at least if Ella and her friends are on board!
Ella’s teacher is determined to plan a summer holiday with his wife, away from his students. But when it comes to Ella and her friends, one thing is clear. A summer holiday without their teacher would be like a cruise without a captain! A calm start to the journey soon turns into a familiarly exciting adventure.
“Are we sure we’ve got travel insurance?” the teacher asked.
“You have to relax. Cruise ships are really safe,” his wife reassured him.
“I’ve packed a few extra life jackets in our suitcase.”
“I hope you’ve remembered to pack a change of clothes, your book and your toothbrush,” the teacher’s wife smiled gently.
“I remembered, but I didn’t pack them. The life jackets took up all the space.”
“Well, you can borrow from me.”
“I can’t. Your bag’s got an inflatable inflatable boat in it. It’s full.”

Ella & Friends Finally in 3rd Grade
Ella and her friends shake off the dust from second (-and-a-half) grade, which they’ve been stuck in for years. They’ve finally made it to third grade!
And now that they’re old and wise, they have bigger plans! Ella has decided to become an author, Thomas a professor, and Tina a business woman. Sam is the only one sticking with his old plan of being Batman. But Pete seems to have the most exciting plan of all: he is getting married! But although there is love in the air, Ella manages to hurt the one person she loves the most. Being a third grader is tougher than they all thought.
Meanwhile, Teacher battles valiantly in the throes of a raging midlife crisis which seems to require several changes of clothes and other paraphernalia. The book also offers a mind blowing alternative account of the origins of the Ella-series that comes about when a local author receives a visit from the author-to-be-Ella!

Ella and Friends – Remote Schooling
‘Hello class! Can you hear me! It’s your teacher here!’
The third grade is off to a speedy start for Ella and her friends. They’re about to take part in a talent competition on TV, and everyone is excitedly waitng for the start of the holiday week ahead.
But then everyone’s holiday plans change. Ater a full week of not going to a hockey tournament, Paris, scout camp, water park, Mom‐and‐Batman camp nor seeing Grandma, the class also find that they won’t be going back to their school either. The school they know and love has now been replaced with remote schooling.
The class and their beloved Teacher tackle the ways of the new schooling together. And somehow being far away from each other suddenly makes the world seem surprisingly small. With all the worrying things happening in the world, shared joy and friends are more important than ever.
Ella and Friends – Remote Schooling became an instant bestseller in Finland!

Ella & Friends on a Poop Trail
The children prepare for their teacher’s birthday by getting him a present they know he’ll really love! Happy birthday, dear Teacher!
Ella’s school will soon celebrate its 100th anniversary. Ella and her classmates overhear the school principal and their teacher as they discuss suitable ways to commemorate the special day.
‘A goat would be a good gift. Or a cow. A well is also a great gift, but it might be a bit more expensive’, the principal thought out loud. ‘Something like this could be an asset to our school. Those are all lovely suggestions‘, the teacher admitted.
The children have trouble understanding what their school would do with a goat, but since their teacher likes goats, he’d probably like one of his own. After all, his birthday is also coming up and the children wish to gift him something he’d really like. But this particular present is almost more than the children bargained for.
Ella and Friends on a Poop Trail became an instant bestseller in Finland!

Ella and Friends on a Desert Island
A school day like Robinson Crusoe!
Ella and her friends' nature trip becomes a survival adventure when floodwaters wash away the bridge leading to the island. With no help from telephones, smoke signals or jungle drums, the schoolchildren's ingenuity is put to the test.
Shipwrecked students are worried about whether they will be able to get back to school before the end of the school day, summer vacation, or even their Matriculation Examinations. Fortunately, the teacher has both bad and good news:
– If we ratio our food, we can make it until tomorrow if necessary, the teacher said.
– We can't connect with the outside world, but fortunately we have each other. Let's take adversity as an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves and the world we live in.
– What about the good news? Pate asked.
– That was good news, the teacher replied carelessly.
– What about the bad ones? I asked.
– I forgot our lunch bag at school.

Ella & Friends Role Reversal
Teachers for a week!
Ella and her friends can’t believe their ears when they hear the news; they’re to be teachers for the week, whilst the teachers and adults will have to take a seat at the school’s desks.
As soon as the third graders get power at school, they have loads of great ideas.
“I demand that break time is an hour longer,” Hanna said.
“I demand that my mother does all my homework,” Tiina suggests.
“My mum already does all my homework,” says Samppa.
“But you don’t even have homework anymore! Now you’re the one who sets the homework,” Tuukka reminds them.
Soon the children realise that they’ll also have to teach. Fortunately, there’s at least one thing they can teach the adults to help them be better understood…

Ella and Friends: Beacons of Hope
Mirror, mirror…
Ella and her friends have the best teacher in the world, but is he lucky in life? Teacher wants to check this aspect of his life from a reliable source.
– Mirror, mirror… who’s the luckiest person in the country? Teacher asked.
He was posing in front of a gold-framed mirror. The children tried to hear what the mirror answered but couldn’t hear but a gurgle. It wasPete’s stomach, for it was already a while since breakfast and there was still a while before lunch.
– Will I grow up to be president or a F1 star? Tina asked.
– Hey mirror, can you guess who I am? Sam asked, pulling his Batman mask over his face.
– I don’t look into the mirror. The mirror must look at me, Bruiser grumbled.
-The eyes are the mirrors of our insides, Thomas knew.
To everyone’s chagrin, the mirror breaks and now the children’s Teacher faces seven years of bad luck. The children take up the challenge of trying to reverse the bad luck to ensure a bright future for their Teacher!

Ella and Friends: Raiders of the Lost Story
Once upon a time…
Ella’s curiosity is piqued when she finds the beginning of a story on her desk. It’s printed on white paper with no watermark or fingerprints. Who wrote it, and how does the adventure continue?
– I didn’t write it, Hannah said when I showed her the paper at recess.
– Neither did I, Tina pointed out from over my shoulder, – I prefer romance to suspense.
– My mother would definitely write a less scary beginning, Sam declared.
– I’m more interested in fact than fiction, Thomas explained.
– My dad often tells porkies, Pate said.
– Does he really? I was surprised.
– Yes, my mother calls them fisherman’s stories.
I guess the author wasn’t Pate’s dad either. Meanwhile, a new suspect sneaks out the school with a leather bag slung over his shoulder. Only to befollowed by those keen to find the lost story.

Ella & Friends: Naturally Smarter than AI
The naturally smarter children must rise against the artificially enhanced teaching methods…
The principal asks the children’s technophobic Teacher to make better use of technology when teaching. Ella and friends are at hand to help their helpless teacher and introduce him to artificial intelligence. At first their Teacher is horrified but then falls in love with it.
Soon the children realize that the AI has taken over not just their Teacher but the whole school. There are many ways to be intelligent, and now the children must outsmart the AI with their natural wit.

Ella & Friends: Saviors of the Baltic Sea
Everything flows into the Baltic Sea!
When Sam’s Batman ring gets lost in the toilet, Ella and her friends follow it all the way to the Baltic Sea.
“This is a sight for sore eyes,” the teacher sighed. “And for the nose,” Hanna added, inhaling the fresh air. “The ears can rest too,” I noted, listening to the calm swishing of the waves. “Even my mouth is resting,” Tiina marveled, licking the brackish water from her lips. “While others are resting, Batman keeps watch,” Sam pointed out.
During their tracking mission, the children realize that the entire Baltic Sea needs saving, not just the ring.
This book is created in collaboration with John Nurminen Foundation, specializing in protecting the Baltic Sea. Besides a fun story, the book contains information about the sea and instructs us how we can work together to take care of the sea and its organisms.

Ella ja kaverit. Tuukka tietää!
Tuukka on nero!
Ella ja kaverit -kirjoissa kautta aikojen naurattaneet Tuukan kirjoitukset on nyt koottu yksiin kansiin!
Ellan kavereista Tuukka on todellinen tietopankki. Hän tietää kaiken niin älykkyydestä, rakkaudesta, karhuista, ennustamisesta kuin sukulaisistakin. Tuukka erottaa rakastuneen ja pakastuneen siitä, että toinen on punainen ja toinen sininen, ja osaa päätellä, että kangasmetsässä kasvaa kangaspuita ja sateista metsää kutsutaan sademetsäksi. Hän on huomannut, että korvasieni näyttää korvalta, torvisieni torvelta ja pesusieni märältä. Tuukka tietää myös kaiken lumesta ja siivoamisesta ja muistuttaa, että vaikka puuterilumi on pölyävää, sitä ei voi tupsuttaa poskiin tai imuroida. Kun Tuukka saa kynän ja ainevihon hyppysiinsä, luvassa on naurua ja sitä myöten pitkää ikää!
”Puusta tehtyjen esineiden nimeäminen on yleensä helppoa. Puusta tehty hevonen on puuhevonen. Puusta tehty kenkä on puukenkä. Puusta tehty tiainen on puutiainen, puusta tehty ukko on puukko ja puusta tehty veitsi on voiveitsi. Puilla itsellään ei ole kovin hyvä mielikuvitus nimien suhteen. Siksi niiden lasten nimi on aina joko vesa tai taimi.”

Ella ja kaverit kummituskartanossa
Aivan päätön kummitusjuttu!
Opettajan kasvot ovat kalmankalpeat ja silmät isot kuin kummituseläimellä. Ellasta ja kavereista hän näyttää ihan siltä kuin olisi nähnyt kummituksen ilman sitä eläintä.
– Minä näin kerran viisi kummitusta, Pate kertoi.
– Näitkö todellakin? minä ihmettelin.
– Kyllä. Kaikki minun kummitustätini ja -setäni olivat meillä yhtä aikaa kylässä.
– Sinä tarkoitat varmaan kummitätejä ja -setiä, Hanna epäili. Hän on aina niin järkevä.
– En tarkoita. Kyllä ne olivat oikeita kummituksia, sillä ne nauroivat koko illan kolkosti, kilisyttelivät kammottavasti astioita ja katosivat ennen aamunkoittoa.
Koululaiset päättävät selvittää, mitä oikein on tekeillä, ja päätyvät salaperäiseen Kalmuvaaran kartanoon.
Parvela knows how to write engagingly for young readers who read little or avoid books. There is nothing superfluous, and the plot never stalls for a moment.
Culture vs News
Ella is one of the few stories about school that you want to read during the holidays!
Susanne Gaschke
Die Zeit, Germany
It is no longer possible to imagine parenting without Ella & Friends.